I continue to translate articles about sports. This time, it's not about victories or scandals. This time it's about how sudden life turns can be.
A successful Austrian champion suffered a stroke while on vacation. At the age of 28! The woman has already been discharged from the hospital, but her return to sport is still in question. She will be recovering. The text not only lists her victories but also describes the symptoms and consequences of a stroke. It turned out that sports translation intersected with medical translation, and such a thing happened.
🚑 Medical translations have their own terms, and sports have their own. And where there are many of their own words, there are abbreviations. During the translation of medical texts from German to English, you need to look up abbreviations for procedures or diagnoses in reference books, and during the translation of sports articles - decipher abbreviations for championships or sports clubs.
Translation sample:
Source (German):
Die Bobfahrerin aus Österreich hat einen Schlaganfall erlitten. Der Vorfall ereignete sich bereits am vergangenen Donnerstag.
Beierl befand sich auf einer Urlaubsreise in Peru, als sie plötzlich unter schlimmen Kopfschmerzen litt: „Ich dachte, es ist eine Migräne.“ Weil sich der Zustand aber nicht besserte, organisierte ihr Vater die Heimreise. „Wie ich das geschafft habe, weiß ich selber nicht, ich habe nur funktioniert“, sagte die 29-Jährige gegenüber der Kronen Zeitung.
Target (English):
The bobsledder from Austria has suffered a stroke. The incident occurred already last Thursday.
Beierl was on a vacation trip in Peru when she suddenly suffered from a bad headache: «I thought it was a migraine.» But because her condition did not improve, her father organized her return home. «How I did it, I don’t know myself, I was just functioning,» the 29-year-old told the Kronen Zeitung.
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