😀 😓 Continuing with the translation of German sports articles into English.
A question for those not deeply involved in sports: if there's Formula 1, does that mean there's also Formula 2? Turns out there is 😀 And not just Formula 2, but Formula 3 and 4 as well) Previously, I never gave it much thought when translating articles about racers. But this time, an article about Formula 2 landed on my translation desk.
In translating texts about sports events, the most attention must be paid to the names of competitions, company names, and the athletes themselves. Sometimes, a name's translation from German to English can be absolutely identical. At the same time, it may differ by just one letter, which you might miss in a cursory reading. However, such a mistake would stand out for someone deeply interested in a particular sport.
How do I solve this problem? I look for articles and news about the person/company/competition in the translation's target language, preferably on a resource that is as locally close to the article's target audience as possible. There, the names and titles will always be written correctly 🙂
Конечно, иногда названия организаций или имена можно не переводить. Встречаю на крупных англоязычных порталах статьи, где имена, например, чешских спортсменов написаны явно на чистом чешском. Это уже больше вопрос локализации и зависит от того каким вы хотите видеть перевод на выходе. Я думаю, людям знающим только русский язык всё же было бы легче и приятнее читать статью, в которой написано “Формула-1”, чем ту, где встречается “Formula One” или “Formula 1”. Глаз будет просто «перепрыгивать» над иностранными словами, чтобы не напрягать мозг их пониманием. Либо, наоборот, зацепится и усложнит чтение.
So yes, I am still a proponent of localization in such a situation. But of course, the decision is yours.
Number of characters without spaces: 2004
Number of words: 443
Translated in: 1.5 hours
Translation sample:
Source (German):
Gleich zwei Deutsche werden bei der Formel 2 in Spa wieder am Start stehen. Einer davon sogar längerfristig: David Beckmann, der 2022 bisher von Rennen zu Rennen als Ersatzfahrer zwischen den Teams wechselte, wird für die letzten Events der Saison nun dauerhaft bei Van Amersfoort Racing das Cockpit von Jake Hughes übernehmen.
Laut Van Amersfoort will sich Hughes noch stärker auf sein Formel-E-Engagement konzentrieren. Der Brite suggerierte im Laufe des Jahres schon mehrmals, dass er alle Möglichkeiten ausschöpfen würde, um in die Elektro-Rennserie aufzusteigen. 2022 war er bislang als Test- und Entwicklungsfahrer bei Mercedes angestellt. Das Team wird im nächsten Jahr zu McLaren, und hat mit Rene Rast bisher einen Fahrer verkündet.
Target (English):
No fewer than two Germans will be back on the grid in Formula 2 at Spa. One of them will even be back for the long term: David Beckmann, who has been switching between teams from race to race as a reserve driver in 2022, will now take over Jake Hughes’ cockpit permanently at Van Amersfoort Racing for the final events of the season.
According to Van Amersfoort, Hughes wants to focus even more on his Formula E commitment. The Briton suggested several times during the year that he would exhaust all possibilities to move up to the electric racing series. So far in 2022, he has been employed by Mercedes as a test and development driver. The team will become McLaren next year, and has so far announced a driver — Rene Rast.
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