Hello everyone, I recently finished a big order for translating sports articles from German to English. Before, I thought that sports topics were just descriptions of championships and counts of awards. It's a separate world with internal scandals, intrigues, and investigations. 🤯
The first article talks about the breakup of cooperation between a manager and two racers. The text is without a plethora of terms. It needs to be translated into English more lively than technically.
Phrasal verbs help a lot with this. Texts using them look more natural.
Пример из статьи: “…part ways with…” — «расставаться с». По отдельности part — часть, ways — пути. Можно примерно понять этот образ, но если не знать перевод, он не будет очевидным.
Translation sample:
Source (German):
Alzamora begleitete die Marquez-Brüder üblicherweise auf Schritt und Schritt. Keinen Sponsor- oder Medientermin und schon gar kein Rennwochenende ließ er aus. Zuletzt war Alzamora aber weder beim wichtigen Interview mit Marc Marquez in Madrid, noch bei den Grands Prix in Silverstone und Spielberg zu sehen. Am Rennwochenende in Großbritannien hieß es noch, Alzamora sei positiv auf Covid-19 getestet wurden und deshalb zuhause geblieben. Am Rennsonntag in Silverstone soll sich Alzamora aber mit Bekannten zum Abendessen in seiner Heimat Katalonien getroffen haben, was das Covid-19-Argument als Lüge enttarnen dürfte.
Eine offizielle Bestätigung der Trennung steht noch aus. Weder die Marquez-Familie noch Alzamora selbst waren bislang zu einem Statement bereit. Die Beziehung, vor allem zwischen Marc Marquez und seinem Manager, soll sich in den vergangenen Jahren aber zusehend verschlechtert haben. Alzamora gilt als durchaus stur und konservativ. Marquez war der Meinung, er könnte angesichts seines sportlichen Erfolges mit einer modernen Kommunikationsstrategie noch deutlich an Popularität zulegen.
Target (English):
Alzamora usually accompanied the Marquez brothers every step of the way. He never missed a sponsor or media appointment, and certainly never missed a race weekend. Recently, however, Alzamora was not to be seen at the important interview with Marc Marquez in Madrid, nor at the Grands Prix in Silverstone and Spielberg. On the race weekend in Great Britain, it was still said that Alzamora had tested positive for Covid-19 and had therefore stayed at home. However, on race Sunday at Silverstone, Alzamora is said to have met up with acquaintances for dinner in his native Catalonia, which should debunk the Covid-19 argument as a lie.
Official confirmation of the split is still pending. Neither the Marquez family nor Alzamora himself have been willing to make a statement so far. However, the relationship, especially between Marc Marquez and his manager, is said to have deteriorated visibly in recent years. Alzamora is considered to be quite stubborn and conservative. Marquez was of the opinion that, in view of his sporting success, he could significantly increase his popularity with a modern communication strategy.
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